October 21, 2024
Steven Brennan, Mechanical Engineering Student
Meet Steven: My Most Memorable Experience as a UCalgary Student!
What I didn’t realize when choosing to come to UCalgary for my BSc in Mechanical Engineering was that I was signing up for more than just classes; I was signing up for the adventure of a lifetime! The university has become more than an academic institution – it’s become my community and my home.
As interesting as my courses are, outside of the classroom is where the majority of my growth and experiences have taken place. Each year I’ve become more involved with an engineering club called Project90, which engages students in engineering-based projects that positively impact communities. As a Project Manager last year I led a team to design and install an irrigation system for a local non-profit, and now all the produce is being donated to shelters around the city. This year I am the Co-President of the club, which means I’m overseeing a diverse range of projects from creating accessible exercise equipment for children with Cerebral Palsy to implementing a potable water system in Costa Rica. My advice to new students: get involved in clubs on campus. It’s a great way to connect with other students, learn new skills, and make a lasting impact on the world.
Growing up in Calgary, I wasn’t sure whether to stay at home or move on-campus. In the end I spent my first year in residence, and I’m so happy I did. Not only was it a great way to meet other students and form lasting friendships, but it also opened the doors to becoming a Community Ambassador (residence supervisor). I absolutely loved supporting a floor of 60 first-year residents as they transitioned into university. So many unforgettable memories came from that experience, from treasure hunts downtown to hiking trips in the mountains, and all the little things in between that transformed the floor from a few dozen dorm rooms into a vibrant community. I enjoyed it so much that I’m back again this year, but this time I’m overseeing 7 Community Ambassadors and over 420 residents. For someone who wouldn’t have called himself a leader when he started university just over two years ago, this has been a tremendous learning opportunity through which I’ve equipped myself to be a leader after I graduate.
Speaking of doors that UCalgary has opened for me, I was blessed with the opportunity to conduct research this past summer. Investigating hydrogen and natural gas blending in pipelines was a truly rewarding experience as I applied my education to advancing the energy transition, which is something I look forward to continuing after I graduate. Research was a great way to learn new technical skills, and just as importantly it helped me explore where I see my career progressing after my undergrad.
UCalgary is bursting with opportunities, all you need is the courage to get involved. Some of my other best memories at UCalgary have come from my involvement in the Scholars Academy, the Ambassadors Club, the Engineering Leadership Program, and the Engineering Entrepreneurship Program. If you don’t know where your post-secondary education will take you or what you want the next four years to look like, it’s okay – I didn’t know either when I started. Just take the first step, be curious, and open doors will come your way.
While your involvements at UCalgary will inevitably be different than mine, my hope is that you will experience the fullness of what the university has to offer. Let this be the start of a transformative adventure that leaves you proud to call UCalgary home!
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